Who is Jean?
Jean Bringol is a Licensed Professional Counselor, (LPC), in private practice in the Austin area for over 25 years. Her practice includes helping couples with marriage and family issues as well as individuals with emotional challenges. Much of her work entails working to help balance the Emotional, Physical & Spiritual areas of identity. Jean uses various tools to assist people in moving past many blocked and hidden emotions toward balance and emotional freedom. Couples and individuals have sought her help in the following areas:
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Panic and Anxiety
- Grief
- Anger
- Addictions
- Abuse (Physical & Emotional)
- Physical Pain
- Depression
- Fears and Phobias
- Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors
- Bitterness and Unforgiveness
- Guilt and Shame
Jean is available for individual and couples therapy. She and is currently accepting new clients who may call her office at 512-258-3034. Office hours are by appointment only from 9-5 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. She is also available for workshops and seminars by request.